A Revolutionary Partnership Between Employers, Educators and Workforce Boards
REMAKE 4.0 is designed to re-engineer the talent pipeline for manufacturers in Massachusetts
As reMAke 4.0 works to change the perception of manufacturing careers and increase a workforce pipeline, we are partnering with employers to power today’s industrial revolution. Employer partners represent a leadership role in driving advancements in the manufacturing sector and influence the development of new training for a rapidly changing industry. reMAke 4.0 is a platform for employers to speak about their unique challenges with recruitment, training and retention to workforce development and educational partners. Partnering with reMAke 4.0 offers employers an opportunity to help improve retention and longevity with their current workforce through training opportunities, and cultivate the next generation of managers. Benefits of a partnership also include the potential to improve your bottom line by reducing costs associated with hiring and retention as well as access to funding that can be utilized to train your incumbent workforce.
reMAke 4.0 aims add to a workforce in manufacturing by investing in education, because education and ongoing training is a fundamental component in business advancement and productivity. reMAke supports and encourages educator partners to create training programs with extensive hands-on learning, innovation and knowledge to prepare students for a lucrative career in the manufacturing industry as well as offer an opportunity to learn additional skills/update established skills with cutting edge techniques. By collaborating with our educator partners, we are ensuring the up and coming workforce is prepared and ready to help employers remain competitive.
The Central Region is the catalyst for manufacturing in Massachusetts, and has rich histories. Manufacturing has played a vital role in the region’s in economic and community development. Committed to serving North Central citizens with sustainable living wages, our affiliates have a vested interest in providing employers in manufacturing with opportunities to access a skilled and talented workforce. These organizations share mutual goals to best serve our workforce pipeline and support the central region to have the most innovative and purposeful products on the market.
reMAke 4.0 training invites the daring, the bold, and the free-thinkers to experience and learn the skills necessary to make change and build an exciting career in manufacturing.
reMAke 4.0 partners include:
- MassHire North Central Workforce Board and the MassHire Leominster Career Center
- MassHire Central Region Workforce Board and MassHire Central Career Centers
- Mount Wachusett Community College
- Quinsigamond Community College
- Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MassMEP)
Montachusett Regional Technical High School
- Worcester Public Schools/Worcester Technical High School
- Blackstone Valley Education Hub
The Webster Adult Basic Education Linkages/Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School
Nashoba Valley Chamber of Commerce
North Central MA Chamber of Commerce
- Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce
- Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce
- Central MA South Chamber of Commerce
If you’d like more information regarding reMAke 4.0, contact Jason Walker at: JWalker@QCC.mass.edu