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Virtual job fair on Premier Virtual, April 17, 10AM - 1PM.

Register today!

This event is being held in partnership between the MassHire Central Worcester and Southbridge Career Centers. Participating employers and job seekers are from the Central Massachusetts area, representing a diverse array of industries and work experience. 
Premier Virtual is an online platform that allows job seekers to view employers’ virtual booths, view the companies’ information, review their job openings, and submit their resumes. Job seekers and employers can also instant message and video chat each other through the platform.

Upon registering for the event on Premier Virtual, job seekers must provide their names, emails, phone numbers, MassHire/JobQuest job seeker ID number, and upload their resumes or a typed professional summary in PDF format in order to participate. Job seekers have the option to include a professional headshot on their Premier Virtual profile.

Questions? Visit www.MassHireCentralCC.com or call 508-799-1600.