How MassHire Helps Central Massachusetts Youth

We offer youth career readiness, occupational skills training, job search and placement services… helping them become valuable, self-reliant community members. Funded by the following sources as well as corporate and private foundation grants, we conceive, design, implement, and operate programs that help youth get the skills and training to transition successfully into adulthood:

  • The US Department of Labor’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) out-of-school program (ages 16-24);
  • The MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s School to Career Connecting Activities program for high school students;
  • The YouthWorks program funded through the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development and administered statewide by Commonwealth Corporation.

MassHire Career Centers in Worcester and Southbridge deliver youth services and programming. Our staff offer youth expert guidance and tools to instill confidence, help them stay competitive in the workforce, and engage potential employers.


Our programs connect youth with resources to prepare them for a successful future in the Massachusetts workforce.

Career Center Youth Services

Our trained staff provide expert guidance and tools to help youth stay competitive in the workforce and to impress potential employers. Free services include:

  • Career and education guidance
  • Job search and career selection
  • Resume and cover letter assistance
  • Job application guidance
  • Interview prep and mock interviews
  • Referrals to companies hiring now
  • Onsite recruitments and job fairs
  • Current info about Massachusetts Child Labor Laws, Youth Work Permits, & Minimum Wage
  • Much, much more